
Beautiful Outdoor Dog Kennels

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How To Kennel Train A Dog

Myrna Kauffman - January 23, 2024

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A lot of people who purchase outdoor dog kennels don’t have any experience on HOW TO KENNEL TRAIN A DOG. If you want to avoid problems when introducing your dog to its new home for the first time, a bit of training will be beneficial. If you follow our 4-step process in how to kennel train a dog, you will not only make your life easier raising a dog but also keep the neighbors happy.

Looking for more dog training advice? Check out our article on dog training tips for beginners.

So, What is Kennel Training?

Kennel training is basically taking advantage of your dog’s natural instincts as a den animal. A place to sleep, hide from danger, and raise a family is where a wild dog’s den becomes its home. The kennel becomes your dog’s den, where it can find peace and comfort while you know it is safe and secure and not destroying your home while you’re at work. Read the next section to learn everything you need to know about how to kennel train a dog.

Need some advice on crate training a dog? Check out our blog to learn more.

How to Kennel Train a Dog?

Here are four simple steps that will help you know how to kennel train a dog.

1. Introduce Your Dog to the Kennel

Start off by choosing a good location for your dog’s kennel. Make sure it’s an area of your backyard that’s not hidden or dark and is visible to you from the house.

Make sure not to use force to get the dog to enter the kennel. Remember, this step could take minutes, or it could take days. It all depends on your dog’s age, level of aggressiveness, and past experience.

2. Feed your Dog’s Meals in the Kennel

After successfully completing step 1 in learning how to kennel train a dog, start by beginning to feed the dog its regular meals near the kennel. This process will help create a positive association between the dog with the dog kennel.

3. Practice with longer kennel periods

Now that Step 2 of learning how to kennel train a dog is completed, you can begin confining your dog in the kennel for a short period of time. This can only be done if your dog is able to eat its meal inside the kennel without any sign of fear or anxiety.

Practice this process several times a day, and slowly increase the length of alone time for your dog in the kennel by a little each day. Once your dog is comfortable in the kennel for 30 minutes alone, you can try keeping your dog kenneled for a longer period of time while you’re gone or possibly even letting them sleep there at night. Again, this process could take days or even weeks.

4. Kennel Your Dog When Leave and at Night

As mentioned in Step 3 of learning how to kennel train a dog, your dog may now be ready to spend the night inside the kennel, if previous steps have been successfully completed.

When you return home, don’t encourage enthusiastic behavior by greeting your dog with excitement. Avoid increasing your dog’s anxiety about when you’re going to return again by always making your arrival home a subtle one. When you arrive home, continue to kennel your dog for short durations so they don’t associate being kenneled with being left alone.

The final step of learning how to kennel train a dog has now been completed. Now let’s talk about some possible obstacles you might face when kennel training your dog. 

Potential Problem you might face when Learning How to Kennel Train a Dog

Choosing the Best Dog Kennels

So now that you know how to kennel train a dog, it’s time to choose your quality dog kennel. You need to make sure the kennel you choose is well-ventilated, and large enough for your dog to stand up, lay down, and turn around comfortably. To save money in the future, you might want to consider buying a large dog kennel for when your dog grows in size. For the time being, use a separator to make the kennel smaller until your dog grows.

A kennel that’s too small will be uncomfortable for your dog, especially when it starts growing. A large dog kennel can give your dog the space it needs to have an accident without ruining it’s bedding, so that’s why a divider is a great idea. If you don’t use a separator, that behavior can encourage future accidents in the kennel and around the home.

To get started with a home for your dog, download a catalog to see a variety of options offered by the Dog Kennel Collection. If you’re ready to get your dog kennel, fill out a quote form for your custom dog kennel. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 888-318-4404, and we would be happy to assist you in finding the ideal custom dog kennel for your dog.