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Top 10 Foods Dogs Should Not Eat

Myrna Kauffman - January 23, 2024

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foods dogs should not eat

As dog lovers and dog owners, we tend to love sharing our house, family, and food with our dogs. It’s very common for dog owners who want to spoil their dogs by sharing their food and snacks. We often make the mistake of thinking food that is okay for me is also okay for my dog, right? Not necessarily, some human foods can be very dangerous to your dog’s health. Dogs digest differently than humans do, and eating the wrong food can cause health problems in the long run and even the worst can lead to death. We’ve put together a list of 10 common foods dogs should not eat that are fine for humans to eat but are very dangerous for dogs.

10 Foods Dogs Should Not Eat

Foods Dogs Should Not Eat: Almonds

foods dogs should not eat almonds

No, dogs shouldn’t eat almonds. Almonds may not be toxic to all dogs, but some dogs tend to digest almonds very poorly. Even a small amount of almonds can upset your dog’s stomach and if the almonds are salted it can lead to excessive thirst and urination, and even sodium ion poisoning. If the almonds aren’t chewed completely, they can get stuck in your dog’s windpipe, and even worse, could possibly tear the windpipe. And if your dog is vomiting after eating an almond it’s because they have eaten the almond too quickly and didn’t chew it completely, but they are constantly vomiting throughout the day they could have torn up their windpipe, so you should go see a veterinarian.

Can Dogs Eat Chocolate?

No, chocolate is very toxic to dogs. While chocolate could be very tasty for us dog owners to eat, it could be very dangerous to your dog’s health. Chocolate contains substances called methylxanthines, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and most dangerously it can even cause death. If your dog eats a small amount of chocolate by accident, monitor them really closely throughout the day, and if you see any abnormal activity you should try contacting a veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline as soon as possible.

Foods Dogs Should Not Eat: Cinnamon

foods dogs should not eat cinnamon

No, dogs shouldn’t eat cinnamon. It’s not toxic to dogs, but you don’t want to feed your dog foods that have a large amount of cinnamon. It’s probably best to avoid cinnamon. Because this type of human food can leave your dog with an upset stomach. Cinnamon can cause irritation in your dog’s mouth, and inhaling cinnamon powder can cause your dog to cough, choke, and have difficulty breathing.

Can Dogs Eat Garlic?

No, dogs should not eat garlic. Garlic is very toxic to dogs but not humans. Garlic is a member of the allium family, it can be five times more toxic to dogs than any other foods that contain allium. When garlic is ingested it can cause anemia in dogs, and side effects like pale gums, elevated heart rate, weakness, decreased appetite, fainting, and reddish urine. Poisoning from garlic can have delayed symptoms. If you think your dog may have eaten some, look for any of the symptoms above and contact a veterinarian.

foods dogs should not eat garlic

Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream?

No, dogs shouldn’t eat ice cream. It might be very refreshing to dog owners, and you might want to share it with your dog thinking that ice cream would refresh your dog on a hot day too, but ice cream contains a lot of sugar, so it is not good to share with your dog. Also, some dogs are lactose intolerant, which prevents them from digesting milk products properly. If you really want to give your dog something icy to refresh them, you can give your dog frozen chunks of strawberries, raspberries, apples, or pineapple as a treat.

Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes

No, tomatoes aren’t good for your dog. The green parts of the tomato plant contain a toxic substance called solanine. This can cause severe gastrointestinal distress like vomiting and diarrhea, lethargy, weakness, and even confusion. The ripened part of the tomato is considered safe for your dog. We wouldn’t recommend that you feed your dog with tomatoes even if they are ripened because your dog could possibly eat the green sides of the tomatoes and get them really sick. You should think twice before feeding your dogs something you might think is good for them.

foods dogs should not eat tomatoes

Can Dogs Eat Grapes and Raisins?

dogs should not eat grapes

No, dogs shouldn’t eat grapes and raisins. Grapes and raisins are known to be very toxic to dogs. Although experts still haven’t found what exactly causes grapes and raisins to be toxic to dogs, they say it’s best to avoid giving them to dogs. Grapes can cause several reactions and may even be fatal to them. Ingesting this small fruit could lead to sudden liver failure for your dogs. Eating just one or two grapes or raisins could put your dog in serious danger, so it is best to not feed them any.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Eggs?

No, dogs should not eat raw eggs. If your dog is on a raw diet, and you are feeding them uncooked eggs, you should be aware of this sickness called Salmonella, which can lead to food poisoning. The major veterinary medical associations think that uncooked eggs are bad for your dog and can potentially poison your dog. Some symptoms of salmonella are vomiting, blood in the stool, fever, and abdominal pain. If your dog shows any of these symptoms after eating a raw egg, contact the nearest veterinary or pet poison helpline.

foods dogs should not eat eggs

Can Dogs Eat Avocados?

foods dogs should not eat avocados

The answer is no. Avocados are potentially poisonous to your dog because they have something called persin in them. Persin is a fungicidal toxin, and it is present in the avocado fruit, pits, leaves, and actual plant, so all the parts are potentially poisonous to your dog. Which can cause serious health problems and even death in the worst cases. According to some veterinarians, dogs are more resistant to persin than other animals, but it doesn’t mean avocados are 100% safe for your dogs. It’s best to save the avocado for your toast.

Can Dogs Eat Salt?

No, dogs should not eat salt or any salty foods. You might think that sharing chips and pretzels with your dog would be no problem, but feeding your dog lots of salty food can make them seriously thirsty. Feeding your dog salty food or snacks that you enjoy can lead to sodium poisoning. Sodium poisoning symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and in the worst cases, death.

foods dogs should not eat salt

Now You Know 10 Foods Dogs Should Not Eat

Now that you know some of the common foods that your dogs shouldn’t eat, you can make sure your dog is healthy and safe. And you can even ask your vet to suggest a well-balanced dog food diet. You can still give your dog some human food as a treat,  but only give them a little. Make sure if you’re sharing human food with your furry friends that the foods aren’t raw and uncooked, not fatty, or heavily seasoned. Sometimes no matter how careful you are, your dog might find and swallow something that he/she shouldn’t have. Just in case your dog eats something toxic, keep the number of your local vet, the closest emergency clinic, and the Animal Poison Control Center where you can easily access it. And don’t forget, your dog is the only thing on earth that loves you unconditionally so make sure to be aware of foods that can cause them harm.

The summer is coming up and if you are looking for ways to keep your dog cool under the summer heat, you should read our article 9 Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer Heat. It will provide you with great tips and tricks to keep your dog cool during summer.

If you want to learn how to make some healthy and easy dog treats that your dog CAN eat, then check out our selection of dog treat recipes for your pet!

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